The bet : Part 8 : Paying off He tried the lock a second time. Of course, it refused to open. Each time he glanced her way she was grinning. She refused to speak to him. Instead she just took his shoulders and laid him down in her old space on the bed. She tied his hands to the two corners of the headboard, and with a little more difficulty, tied his knees apart with the board at the foot of the bed. Giving him a long lingering kiss, she blindfolded him and left the room. As she had tied him, he had become hard again. He was pleased to have thought up the blindfold, though more pleased to have used it than to have felt it's disorienting effects. Her smell was still strong in the room. As he noticed it, he could feel himself becoming harder. He was glad the bet had limited her winnings. He knew he couldn't have stood the amount of teasing that she had evidently taken in stride. He could hear the shower running. It went on for some minutes. He could smell her scent still on his lips. It was very tantilizing to be aroused (physically), have her smell on himself and not to be able to touch himself. The shower stopped. He heard her enter. A moment later he felt a hot wash rag wrapped around his cock and balls as well his lower stomach.